Re-analysis studies
Contact person: Raimonds Ernšteins
- a retrospective analysis of at least 15 existing ICM best practise case studies
- a documentation of the ICM state-of-art in the Baltic
- provision of a broad knowledge basis for the further-development of the SAF, the economic analysis and the integration concept
Description of work
The public, online EU OurCoast ICM database provides best practice cases with basic descriptions and supplementary data and information as well as contacts. At least 15 suitable case studies covering all Baltic countries as well as a wide range of coastal themes and key approaches will be chosen for an in-depth retrospective analysis (re-analysis). Based on joint, standardized criteria, strengths-weaknesses analysis will be carried out for each case study as well as an analysis if and, at what point a SAF application would have been beneficial. The results will provide feedback on deficits of the SAF and allow reviewing its general applicability (WP2). It forms the basis for a socio-economic analysis (WP3, WP6).
Re-analysis studies

- Coastal realignment and wetland restoration Geltinger Birk DE
- Coastal protection & realignment and the role of public participation in Markgrafenheide DE
- Coastal protection management: Timmendorfer Strand – Scharbeutz DE
- Changing policy to halt the effects of beach erosion and to sustainable manage tourism on the Hel Peninsula PL
- ICM based development of a Natura 2000 management plan for the Szczecin Lagoon PL
- Integrated management of mussel fishery and aquaculture under changing baselines due to regime shifts in the Limfjord DK
- Fishery and aggregate extraction in the Sound DK
- Habitat restoration through sustainable agricultural practices, Rusne LT
- Integrated shoreline management for a large harbour city and an adjacent seaside resort LT
- Russian part of the cross-border Neman River Catchment RU
- Vistula Lagoon – comprehensive management of a water body RU
- The use of diverse instruments to ensure multi-use sustainability in a port city: The Ventspils case of voluntary municipal Environmental licensing system LV
- Town of Liepaja, spatial and sectoral planning of a municipality beach and the nearby coastal zone development LV
- Pavilosta Gray Dune: A comprehensive self-organized public process for the establishment of a Natura2000 site in Latvia LV
- The Järve-Nasva case-study site on Saaremaa island – coastal protection EE
- Kunda Port development EE
- Coastal management strategy for southwest Finland FI
- ICM in the Bothnian Sea, western Finland FI
- Implementation of the Water Framework Directive: The North Baltic Water District in Sweden SE
The re-analysis of each best-practice case will be carried out by the corresponding national partner, to allow the use of documents in local languages. The Russian and Finnish cases are covered by KU-RP with experts from these states (sub-contractor Shirshov Institute, Kaliningrad, Russia and external expert Samu Numminen, ELYCentre, Finland (see appendix)). The re-analysis case studies shall mobilize and involve responsible local experts and broaden the audience for BaltCoast. The results will be re-evaluated by other partners and compiled into a joint document that reflects the present ICM state-of-art in the Baltic and the existing deficits and challenges. All partners will receive SAF training (WP2) and work with joint forms and questionnaires which are developed at the beginning, supported by WP2 & 3.